Halal Stores (HS) is a social enterprise platform part of Global Intellectual Smart Marketing Initiatives to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) grow faster and maximise their profits without taking any commission from your sales revenues.
Several studies reveal that most Muslims shoppers such as in the United Kingdom increasingly prefer to shop at small shops, rather than big supermarkets. To increase sales of their halal products and services, HS needs to improve their marketing efforts and connect better with their customers using all advanced digital marketing tools and techniques. With our experience and knowledge of marketing and consumer buyer behaviour, HS is passionate about helping you start your journey to success.
Our platform is designed to give you the maximum support and help to achieve your goal and maximise your profit. Depending on your budget and the investment you are keen to put forward to maximize your profit, we are happy to help you. There are many ways we can help, please check our simple levels of membership packages to suit a variety of budgets, whether you are an individual wishing to make a small investment towards your marketing and advertising activities or corporate organisation aiming to become a leader in what you do. In addition to increase your sales, there are many more extras you will enjoy after joining our platform including our weekly and monthly business webinars; training; consultancy; conferences; dedicated networking platforms for you to continue the conversation with national and international companies; suppliers; customers; government senior officials as well as other private sector organisations and companies.
Please browse our platform and we would love to welcome you as a new member by joining us using a very simply application process. We are here to help and please do not hesitate to contact us of you have any questions and/or we need any help.
What is Halal?
There are many definitions of the term “Halal” in different books and journal but in simple terms, the word “Halal” is Arabic word meaning lawful or permissible in Quran. And although many people belief that Halal refers only to meat, but increasingly the term “Halal” refers to any products and/or services permitted under Islamic law as prescribed by the Quran. Therefore, Halal trade encompasses all products and services such as cosmetics, clothes, travel, financial services, healthcare, holidays, etc.
Halal Market
The market for halal products and services has massive potential and increasingly become one of the important and fast-growing customer sectors in the UK and across the world. While several research and analysts forecast that the value for halal market will reach more than $2.5 trillion in 2024, others estimated the market size to reach $9.7 trillion by 2025. And although the largest share of the market is from North America but given that Islam is the second largest religion in the world, countries across the world are exporting and importing halal products such as UK, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, United Arab Emirates Australia, India, etc.